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Thoughts & Inspiration

I Don’t Want Your Love

“Goodbye Stephen”  the words quiet like a secret, but arresting and firm like a juggernaut train going a 80 miles an hour straight into my chest. Train car after train car hitting me again and again like the waves of…

Let Go

“I’m leaving Stephen,” the words fell quicker than I could comprehend, and my first gut reaction was that this was going to be a small change.  “So what part of Adventures are you joining?” “No Stephen, I’m leaving Adventures. I’m…

A Visionary Reality

Today I ran 18 miles, something I was dreading a bit beforehand, so I asked my friend/roommate Kyle to pray for me. I’d prepared for the run in advance, I’ve worked my way up to the distance—12 miles last week…


“Know Thyself” The Greek thinker rumbles from within! “Know Thyself” … … …  For nearly a decade I’ve struggled with this concept, and I’ve heard it, read it from Plato and Socrates, pondered it, and sometimes just shrugged it off—admitting…

Freedom, Ruts, and Ruins

Moving to Georgia in the middle of September, I joined the Center for Global Action as a worship apprentice with Adventures in Missions, after driving myself hundreds of miles south in a car that resents its own mileage with how…

The Fight for Faith

Constant, teeth grinding on sandpaper moments passed in the air, as the vacillating of my mind reached a pinnacle of it’s back and forth. Pros and Cons lists had been made, counsel had been sought across many hours of conversation,…

About Me

Hello All, My name is Stephen Zenner.  I am a 25 year old dreamer and creative from Toledo, Ohio. Last year I finished the World Race – a missions trip to 11 countries in 11 months, and it completely changed…